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Grial for .NET MAUI

Version (Nuget update)

Mar 20, 2024

This release adds support for the latest .NET MAUI version (8.0.10) and increased the minimum supported version to 8.0.7.


Fixed issues related to the navbar in Android: now the Flyout Page and the navbar menu items work as expected with the transparent bar.

Fixed issue in CornerRadius effect.

Fixed issue in Drawer when the stop positions were changed dynamically.

XAML expressions update: If, Or, And, Not always work on fully AOT environments. IfEval and Eval work as long as they have 2 parameters or less. You can read more here.

Performance improvements.

New features

Refactored basic animations: they can be declared inside Resource Dictionaries now. (An example of this is coming soon).

Version (Nuget update)

Feb 13, 2024


Fixed IsEnabled property on Checkbox and properly grabbing template parts.

Fixed crash when wrong app name license was found.

Version (Nuget update)

Jan 10, 2024


Fixed border properties on entries for Android.

Fixed crash in Floating Menu.


Nov 16, 2023

New features

This release adds support for .NET 8! And it also enables our brand new Visual Studio extension Grial Studio. You can read more here.

It also includes the first 100% FREE content, available through Grial Studio. Check the "News Flow" below to know more about the free content.

Completely restructured Grial Themes Resource Dictionaries. They are now extra tidy, concise and have better names.

New Content

Added the News Flow. A big set of interconnected pages displaying news lists, news sources, profiles, subscription options and more. It consist of 11 pages and 3 templates.


Oct 30, 2023

New features

Added Precision property, ValueChangedCommand, DragStartedCommand and DragCompletedCommand commands to the Slider.

Added DrawerCollectionView control that enables the Drawer to handle the inner collection scroll, enabling smooth swipe gestures in both controls.


May 16, 2023

New Content

  • We added the Smart Home Flow. A new flow consisting of:
    • 3 pages: SmartHomeMainPage, SmartHomeLightSettingsPage and SmartHomeRoomPage
    • 4 templates: SmartHomeScheduleCardTemplate, SmartHomeImageRadioButtonTemplate, SmartHomeDeviceCardItemTemplate and SmartHomeDashboardCardItemTemplate
    • 1 popup: SmartHomeSchedulePopup

New features

We added a brand new control, the Slider. Every bit of it is customizable so it can adapt to any UI design.


Mar 31, 2023

New Content

  • We added 2 impressive pages showcasing our charts: WebsiteTrafficReportPage and PowerUsagePage
  • We extended the Message Flow by adding a beautiful popup (ContactPreviewPopup) that shows a contact overview after tapping the contact picture. ContactPreviewPopup

New features

We updated Grial Charts for .NET MAUI adding support for Horizontal Bar Charts and Horizontal Stacked Bar Charts.


We also made performance improvements by reducing control hierarchy depth on specific controls that are used across the board. Now the RoundedImage and RoundedLabel are part of Grial’s nuget package since they are optimized for performance too.


Feb 28, 2023

New Content

  • Movies Flow. Here you can find examples of smooth animations, image transformations, and the video player. It consists of 3 screens: FeaturedMoviesPage, MovieDetailPage, MoviesMainPage

New features


We added support for transparent navigation bars. There are examples of how to use it in the Article pages and in the Movies Flow.

  • Here you have a summary of the API:
    • GrialNavigationPage.HideShadow: You can apply it to a page. If the property is true it will hide the shadow below the navigation bar in both platforms.
    • GrialNavigationPage.BarType: You can apply it to a page. The property could be Solid, Transparent and Unset. Depending on the value, it will change the navigation bar behavior. If the property is Unset, the default value, the navigation bar in the page is going to honor the behavior defined in the navigation page.
    • GrialNavigationPage.BarTextColor: You can apply it to a page. This property lets you change the navigation bar text color.
    • GrialNavigationPage.BarBackgroundColor: You can apply it to a page. This property lets you change the navigation bar background color.
  • We added the behavior SolidNavBarOnScrollBehavior that can be attached to Scrollviews. It lets you change the navigation bar colors based on the scroll position. It offers the properties EndBarBackgroundColor and EndBarTextColor. You can find examples of this in the Article pages.


  • The repeater now supports scrolling to a specific item. These are the properties to control the scroll:
    • ScrollToItem is a bindable property. Every time the property value changes, the repeater will automatically scroll to that item.
    • ScrollToAnimated is a boolean bindable property. If it is set to true, the scroll will be animated.
    • ScrollToPosition is an enum type bindable property. With this property, you can control the scroll behavior. For example, if you choose the "MakeVisible" option, the repeater will scroll until the item is visible. There are four options to choose from: "MakeVisible", "Start", "Center", and "End".


  • We added two properties: SolidNavBarOnScrollEndBarBackgroundColor and SolidNavBarOnScrollEndBarTextColor. These properties have the same behavior as the ones of the SolidNavBarOnScrollBehavior mentioned above.


  • There is an issue with the ToolbarItems in iOS: if you use a PNG icon, it will grow as much as it can. And in Android, if you use the FontImageSource you can't change its color dynamically. The ExtendedToolbarItem offers the same properties as the FontImageSource, but if the color of the ToolbarItem changes or the navigation bar text color changes, it will change the icon's color. The list of properties are: Glyph, FontFamily, Color and Size.

iOS SafeArea

  • Ignored layouts safe area through styles and the property LayoutProperties.IgnoreSafeArea as it doesn't provide fine-grained control on how to use padding to avoid safe areas
  • Ignored all page safe area through styles ios:Page.UseSafeArea since it adds a bottom hole in every screen with scroll
  • Grial's Safe Area extensions work in .NET MAUI now, read more here

Image Gray Scale effect

Now it's possible to turn an Image into a gray-scale Image with this new boolean attached property: grial:ImageProperties.GrayScale


  • This control is now available for .NET MAUI. It's like a WrapPanel but it supports single and multiple selection. You can find an example in the FoodPlacesDishReviewPage.


  • The drawer size is the same across the different devices. There was a small difference when opened at 100% of the screen on some devices.
  • The service IDisplayInformationService has changed. Now the properties ActualScreenHeight and ActualScreenWidth return the available space in the screen
  • The INavigationBarInfoService wasn’t returning the right navigation bar size on some Android devices
  • General iOS layout improvements in Grial by properly using the iOS Safe Area
  • Map Flow layout improvements


The minimum Android supported API is now 28 that corresponds to Android 9 from 2018.