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Tab Control


Grial provides a custom TabControl with a fully customizable appearance through XAML templates and styles. It allows switching views inside pages easily.

Tab Controlmask
Tab Controlmask
Tab Controlmask

This control supports two modes:

  • Direct-mode, where TabItems instances are defined directly in the Xaml or added from code
  • Bound-mode, where TabItems come from data defined in the ItemsSource property; in this case TabItemDataTemplate and TabContentDataTemplate are used to render the items and the content respectively

TabControl Properties

AnimateTransitionboolGets or set if the switch between tabs is animated or not.
ItemsSourceIEnumerableGets or sets the source of items to template and display when in bound-mode.
SelectedIndexintGets or sets the currently selected TabItem index.
SelectedItemobjectGets or sets the currently selected TabItem when in direct-mode or the currently selected object from ItemsSource when in bound-mode.
TabContentBackgroundColorColorGets or set the Color for all the tab contents.
TabContentDataTemplateDataTemplateTemplate to be used by the tabs' content when in bound-mode.
TabContentHeightdoubleGets or set the height for the tab contents.
TabItemControlTemplateControlTemplateControl template to be used by the tabs items when in direct-mode.
TabItemDataTemplateDataTemplateTemplate to be used by the tab items when in bound-mode.
TabItemStyleStyleGets or set the Style applied to the TabItem, used when in direct-mode.
Gets the collection of TabItem instances when in direct-mode.
TabStripBackgroundColorColorGets or set the Color for the tab item strip.
TabStripHeightdoubleGets or set the HeightRequest for the tab item strip.
TabStripPlacementTabStripPlacementThis property sets or get where the TabStrip is placed.
Available values are:
TabStripStyleStyleGets or set the Style applied to the tab item strip container that is a Grid.
TabsWidthGridLengthGets or set the Width for the TabItems.

TabControl Events and Commands

TabTappedEventFired when a TabItem was tapped. This is the first event triggered. Args: TabTappedEventArgs { Tab: object }
SelectedTabChangingEventFired when the selected TabItem is about to change. This is the second event triggered.
Args: SelectedTabChangingEventArgs { CancelSelection: bool; NewSelection: object }
If you set CancelSelection to true the selection change is cancelled which is useful for validation scenarios where the selected tab should not change until an error is fixed.
TabSelectedEventFired when a TabItem was selected. This is the last event triggered.
Args: TabSelectedEventArgs { Selected: object }
TabTapCommandICommandExecuted when a TabItem is tapped, tapped item goes as the command parameter.
TabSelectedCommandICommandExecuted when a TabItem is selected, selected item goes as the command parameter.

TabItem Properties

BadgeBackgroundColorColorGets or sets the Badge background color.
BadgeTextstringGets or sets the Badge text.
BadgeTextColorColorGets or sets the Badge text color.
ContentViewGets or sets the Content of the tab.
CurrentIconImageImageSource(readonly)Convenient property that contains the calculated icon image, depending if the tab is selected or not. See IconImage and IconImageSelected.
CurrentIconTextstring(readonly)Convenient property that contains the calculated icon text, depending if the tab is selected or not. See IconText and IconTextSelected.
CurrentIconTextColorColor(readonly)Convenient property that contains the calculated icon text color, depending if the tab is selected or not. See IconTextColor and IconTextColorSelected.
CurrentTextColorColor(readonly)Convenient property that contains the calculated text color, depending if the tab is selected or not. See TextColor and TextColorSelected.
FontSizedoubleGets or sets the size of the font.
HeaderViewGets or sets an optional visual element to render inside the tab.
IconImageImageSourceGets or sets the image used as icon.
IconImageSelectedImageSourceGets or sets the image used as icon for the selected tab.
IconTextstringGets or sets the specific icon based on fonts, font icon family set in IconTextFontFamily.
IconTextColorColorGets or sets the icon color for icons based on fonts.
IconTextColorSelectedColorGets or sets the icon color for icons based on fonts for the selected tab.
IconTextFontFamilystringGets or sets the font family used to render icons based on fonts.
IconTextFontSizedoubleGets or sets the rendered size for icons based in fonts.
IconTextSelectedstringGets or sets the specific icon based on a font for the selected tab.
IsSelectedbool(readonly) true if this tab is selected and false otherwise.
TextstringGets or sets the text of the tab.
TextColorColorGets or sets the color of the tab's text.
TextColorSelectedColorGets or sets the color of the tab's text for the selected tab.

TabItem Events and Commands

TappedEventFired when the user taps the TabItem.
TapCommandICommandExecuted when a TabItem is tapped.

Look and Feel

Grial provide six different look and feel for tabs. They can be found here:

|_ Styles
|_ TabControl
|_ AndroidTabResources.xaml
|_ CustomTabResources.xaml
|_ DotTabResources.xaml
|_ IOSTabResources.xaml
|_ SegmentedTabResources.xaml
|_ SimpleTabResources.xaml

Each resource dictionary file is self-contained (except for the values taken from Grial themes) so you can tweak them easily. Each contain a a named TabControl style that relies on a specific template for the TabItem that look quite different from the others. Also, they are flexible since they can handle all the variations exposed in the TabItem: badges, image or text icons, texts and colors.

To use any of these only two things are required:

  • include a reference to the specific resource dictionary in the page
<ResourceDictionary Source="/Styles/TabControl/AndroidTabResources.xaml" />
  • use the named style in the tab instances
<grial:TabControl Style="{ StaticResource AndroidTabStyle }"> ...


The most common scenario is just using one of the six predefine styles and define the TabItems in Xaml like this:

<grial:TabControl Style="{ StaticResource AndroidTabStyle }">
<grial:TabItem Text="tab 1">
<Grid BackgroundColor="Gray">


<grial:TabItem Text="tab 2">
<Grid BackgroundColor="Green">


<grial:TabItem Text="tab 3">
<Grid BackgroundColor="Yellow">

Tab Android


There are scenarios where the number of tab items and its content need to depend in some data obtained dynamically. For these scenarios the TabControl provides 3 properties:

  • ItemsSource, source of data
  • TabItemDataTemplate, item template (not to be confused with TabItemControlTemplate which is a ControlTemplate to style the tab when in direct-mode)
  • TabContentDataTemplate, content template

Assuming that "TabsData" is a list of objects with a "Value" property, this is the most basic example of a bound-mode tab control:

<ContentPage ...>
<ResourceDictionary Source="/Styles/TabControl/AndroidTabResources.xaml" />

<DataTemplate x:Key="TabTemplate">
<Label Text="{ Binding Value, StringFormat='Tab {0}' }" />

<DataTemplate x:Key="TabContentTemplate">
<Label Text="{ Binding Value, StringFormat='Tab {0} Content' }" />

Style="{ StaticResource AndroidTabStyle }"
TabItemDataTemplate="{ StaticResource TabTemplate }"
TabContentDataTemplate="{ StaticResource TabContentTemplate }"
ItemsSource="{ Binding TabsData }"
