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The SeriesChart abstract class is the base for PieCharts and BarCharts.


[ContentProperty(name: nameof(Series))]
public abstract class SeriesChart<TSeries, TLegend> : ChartBase
where TSeries : ChartSeries
where TLegend : ILegend


SeriesICollection<TSeries>Gets or Sets the series to be drawn of the specified typenull
LegendTLegendSets the legend to display series informationnull
OnSelectCommandICommandGets or Sets the command to execute when a value is selectednull
SelectedIndexintGets or Sets the selected item of the series. If the value is -1 means not found-1
SelectedSeriesIndexintGets or Sets the selected series. If the value is -1 means not found-1
SelectionProgressdoubleGets the progress of the selection animation1d
InitProgressdoubleGets the progress of the initial animation1d

See also