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Changing the Brand Logo

The brand logo used in Grial's pages is encapsulated in a ContentView named BrandLogo and located in the folder Controls.

Grial allows you to change this logo by following the next steps:


  1. Upload the logo image in the Images folder inside Resources, right click the image and set its Build Action to MauiImage:
Upload brand logo
  1. Open BrandLogo.xaml in Controls folder and replace the Label with your uploaded image:

In Xamarin.Forms:

  1. Upload the logo image in the Resources folder inside each platform-specific project, right click the image and set its Build Action to BundleResource:
Upload brand logo in iOS
  1. Open BrandLogo.xaml in Controls folder and replace the Label with your uploaded image:

The pages that use the BrandLogo are MainMenuPage.xaml, FullBackgroundLoginPage.xaml, FullBackgroundSignupPage.xaml, LoginPage.xaml, PasswordRecoveryPage.xaml, SignupPage.xaml, SimpleLoginPage.xaml, SimpleSignupPage.xaml, TabbedLoginPage.xaml and WelcomePage.xaml, and now look like this:

Main Menu Pagemask
Welcome Pagemask
Tabbed Login Pagemask

To change the application logo, see Upload your app icon.

Changing the title

If you want to change the title below the BrandLogo in MainMenuPage.xaml and WelcomePage.xaml, you should replace the StringGrialUIKit's value with your title in AppResource.resx and (in case you need Arabic language).