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App Look and Feel

The Design tab is dedicated to all the design related tasks you can do for your app.

Design tab

Upload your app icon

You can set the icon of your application by providing a png/jpg image of 1024x1024 pixels preferably. That image will be resized and duplicated to generate all the icons files needed for app icon.

Look and feel sample

Once the source image is uploaded and all the different icon sizes are generated you will see a preview of your icon:

Your icon is generated into all needed sizes

Customize the look and feel of your app

Finally, you can pick a theme for your app. You can choose among any of the pre-built ones, and you can also generate your own by overriding a Grial theme AccentColor.

Adding new app sample

In Grial, the most important color is the AccentColor, followed by the ComplementColor. If you change AccentColor (overriding it) your theme will be based on this new AccentColor color and you will get an uniform output based on it.

This is made by design to allow easily applying brand colors to your app.

Alternatively, you can tweak specific colors directly on XAML to get further customization of your theme.

Overriding a Grial theme

Start by choosing any of the available Grial themes (Light Theme is selected by default).

Look and feel sample

Select the theme that you want the new theme to be based on.

Look and feel sample

Once you get the base theme, you can overwrite the AccentColor by choosing a color or simply pasting the hex value in the text field. You can also discard this color -by clicking in the icon on the right- to get the initial AccentColor for the base theme.

Look and feel sample

You will see a preview of the selected theme on the right.

Look and feel sample

It will update every time you change/override the AccentColor

Look and feel sample

You can also change the original Grial theme -keeping the overriden AccentColor- at any time to get better results (i.e.: light vs dark background).

Look and feel sample